Rescued From The Fire: Daisuke Tanabe
An ongoing series in which we ask artists the record they’d risk life and limb to save from a burning inferno

In the hot seat this time is Tokyo-based electronic soundsmith, Circulations label mate, and 2010 Academy participant Daisuke Tanabe.

Sudachi LP (Private, 1980s)
I don't really have the greatest record collection, and most of my pieces are quite findable. But if I had to rescue only one record, then I'll go ahead and pick this one.
I got this record as a graduation gift from my elementary school in Japan. So, side "A" is mostly crap singing from the students, but it's still a real innocent recording, which includes my singing. Side "B" has cool field-recorded sounds. For instance, a kids quiz show in the schoolyard, and then the kids getting crazy with fireworks, and just screaming and running around like hell. it's just nice to listen these total chaotic noises. They teachers tried to take control, but couldn't. And try as I might, I'm sure I cannot make such an innocent recording on 12" vinyl ever again.